Stay motivated while starting a business

So, you have a great start to your business journey but after that initial excitement, it is easy to lose motivation. If you can relate to these words let me start by assuring you that you are not alone! This is a common problem for new entrepreneurs. This is why I created this article: to give you the motivational boost that you need to keep pushing ahead on your business journey! Read on for some tips on how you can stay motivated when starting a new business.

How to stay motivated when starting a business

Tips to help you stay motivated when starting a business

So, you have a great start to your business journey; you launch, spread the word, and see interest right up front. Cue the excitement! But then it happens, after that initial excitement, business gets challenging to keep up with, or sometimes slows down a bit, leaving you wondering what will happen next.

Then it sets in. You start to worry and ultimately start losing motivation before you even realise it. You feel a pull on you and wonder what’s next. 

If you are feeling like this, then I encourage you can try these tips to keep you motivated as you start you business journey:

Never give up “me” time

When you start a new business, it’s easy to get sidetracked and caught up in all things business. This can leave you with no time for yourself. You can easily forget how important it is to invest in your wellbeing just as much as you invest in your business.

You know what they say about putting all your eggs in one basket? Don’t do it! You must find happiness outside of your business, not just in it. You can’t care for anyone or anything else, like your business, if you can’t care for yourself first. 

If you miss out on “me” time you can eventually build resentment towards your business and lose motivation altogether. Then every day will feel like a chore, even though you had no intention of that ever happening. It’s a no win for you or your business!

Make sure you schedule “me” time into your weekly agenda. You’ll feel refreshed and excited to jump back in after you’ve prioritized caring for yourself before everything else.

Spend some time meditating, reading a good book, exercising, or catching up with an old friend. All of these things are crucial to help you stay motivated when starting a business. 

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Connect and collaborate with others

It’s natural, we all crave human connection whether we want to admit it, or not and motivation comes from it. Think about the last time you were in an office. Did you keep to yourself or spend time talking with others? Did you collaborate on business ideas? There’s a good chance you caught up with those around you.

Running a business on your own can get super lonely, especially if you don’t work out of an office where others are. Being with others only makes you stronger anyway, especially if your marketing tactic is through word of mouth. 

On the other hand, as your business grows, so will your operations. You will likely also need help with tasks like administration, marketing, accounting and other office functions. Eventually, these tasks grow too large for one person to handle on their own. You also can’t dedicate precious time needed to your core service if you’re too busy caught up in the operations.

If you’re in it for the long run, you’ll want to hire others around you to connect with, motivate you, and help run your business so you can focus on providing outstanding service. 

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Keep sources of inspiration handy

It’s completely unrealistic to be motivated 100% of the time no matter who you are. Life throws so much at us at any given time, it’s easy to have a bad day and feel off when it comes to staying motivated.

We all need sources to pull from whenever we need motivation. Because of this, it’s important to have sources of inspiration handy when you need to visit them to keep you operating at your best!

Podcasts, books, articles, videos, and your favorite social media business accounts are great for pulling inspiration. It doesn’t matter the source, as long as it fuels you.

You literally have tons of access to inspiration sitting right in your hands with your phone. Try taking a break while listening or watching sources of motivation. You can take a walk while listening to some upbeat music or a podcast related to your business, you’ll release endorphins and feel great at the same time!

Researching what your favorite entrepreneurs do for motivation and trying their methods is also a great way to feel super motivated! Check out their social media, chances are they share what they do to get and stay motivated while running their business.

You can follow me on Instagram for tips and inspiration

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Stay motivated by focusing on your mission

It’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day of running your business and get lost and start questioning things.

Revisiting your mission and vision for why you started is a great way to get motivated. Think back to when your business was just a dream on paper before you have everything you do now. Remember when you used to fantasize about having customers who wanted your services?! This is the driving force and the why behind the what. It will remind you of why you started in the first place and why you should keep going. 

Remember that you have the power to change lives and businesses with your services and make a positive lasting impact.

You provide incredible value to your customers and enhance their lives in a way no one else can. Your unique gifts are why customers come to you and return for more to begin with. You chose to start your business because you had a dream and followed through with it. Consistency in driving your mission is key and the rest will fall into place. You’ve got this!

Conclusion: How to stay motivated when starting a business

As with anything in life, it can be easy at times to lose motivation. Finding the right balance between work and life can help boost motivation. Having an assortment of options to choose from when you’re lacking motivation will help bring it back.

Keep a list you can pull from when you need inspiration and check in on those you admire for additional sources. Motivation comes and goes but it will not remain forever gone. Remember to take breaks and dive back in when you’re ready. You’ve got this!

Need another motivational boost? Read these articles: