Ready to become a Girl in Motion?

Learn exactly how to build your dream service-based business.

With expert guidance, easy-to-follow tutorials and actionable steps, it’s the first giant leap towards your dream life.

I want to congratulate you. Just by reading this, you’re taking a step towards your goals. Go you! 

You are about to uncover a new path. A route to a successful future that you get to define. Wherever this new journey takes you, I’m here with the roadmap to get you there. 

Make your business dreams come true

Let’s face it, the 9 to 5 isn’t for you. The stuffy office, the dreaded commute, and the boss you don’t really like. That might be someone else's dream but it sure wasn’t yours!

So, what is the dream?...

Breaking out of the office space and taking your business on the road. Setting your own schedule. Make work a part of the life you love.

Waking up every morning excited to work on projects that give your life meaning. 

Being your own boss for a change, calling the shots, and taking control of your own destiny.

You’ve got the skills. Now build the business.

You don’t need to reinvent the wheel to build a thriving business. This course is designed to help you take your existing skills and put them to work in a business of your own.

So, what is a service based business?
Put simply, you have a skill and people want to pay you for it.

Calling all… virtual assistants, coaches, social media managers, graphic designers, copywriters, Pinterest managers, nutritionists, personal trainers… 

Whatever service you offer, you can build your very own business around it. And I’m here to show you how. 

ready to make it happen?

Get everything your need to build a thriving business in one place

What is the Girl in Motion Business Launchpad Course? 

Simply put, is an online course designed for female entrepreneurs to use their skills to create a thriving service-based business.

Starting your own business doesn’t just mean $$$ in your account. It means financial freedom. It means giving yourself the opportunity to live life on your terms. It means getting to work towards your dreams.

But…starting that business can be scary. If you’ve been thinking about this for a while, I know you’ve got a billion questions buzzing around in your head. Doubt. Stress. Unknowns. I get it- I’ve been there too! 

That’s exactly why I created the Business Launchpad Course. To give you the guidance you need to turn doubt into confidence, stress into excitement and unknowns into clarity. 

The Girl in Motion Business Launchpad Course is an all-inclusive space that gives you a clear roadmap and all the guidance you need to grow, not just in your business, but in yourself. 

“Definitely join to get a clear path on how to set up your business”

Before joining Girl in Motion I was suffering from information overload and analysis paralysis. After joining the programme I am feeling less overwhelmed due to a clear path. I like that the content is clear and concise, and learnt that once you have decided on what your business will offer getting it set up is not that hard.

— Candice cannon

I know the feeling...

How long have you felt like you're treading water?

For me, it was years. Years of dreading the alarm clock. Years of feeling the 9-5 wasn’t right. Years of feeling unfulfilled. 

Sound familiar? 

As much as I’d love to say that I could come to your rescue Baywatch style, I know you’ve got the fire inside you to swim to shore. But don’t worry, I’ll be here every step of the way. 

That’s what Girl in Motion is all about. You don’t need me to do your business for you- you’ve got the talent and the drive to do it for yourself (yes, you do. I know you do!).

But having a clear roadmap to get you there, changes the game.

This is perfect for you if:

This is NOT for you if:

it's time to start making real progress

Build a business without the overwhelm

You are seconds away from finding all the video tutorials, advice, and templates you need to kickstart your business. 

I have broken down the process of building a thriving service based business into small, easy-to-follow steps. My signature system captures everything I’ve learnt from running my own business over the past 9 years. It is what I wish I had when I first decided to ditch the 9-5 all those years ago.

let's make it happen. Together

My online course will help you build a thriving business you can be truly passionate about. 

online course

Get a Clear Roadmap to a Thriving Business

Get access to my signature course, the Business Launchpad, that shows you EXACTLY how to build your dream service-based business.

Get instant access to 9 modules with easy-to-follow, bite-sized video tutorials outlining everything you need to do to start your own service-based business. 

Plus you get heaps of worksheets, checklists and templates to help you put what you learn into action

This is what you will learn inside the course

Get instant access to 9 modules with video tutorials and worksheets 

girl in motion

Module 1

Let's get Organised

We get started by getting organised. In this module we look at your mindset, business admin, and create an updated weekly schedule to work on your business. 


Module 2

Business Foundations

Let’s set strong foundations upon which you can build your thriving business. Identify and research your ideal customers and gather powerful insights by conducting market research. 


Module 3

Services & Pricing

In this module you will define your services and packages, set your pricing, and learn how to present them in a way that will leave your ideal customer saying “yes, I need this!”


Module 4

Branding & Design

Craft a look that will connect with your ideal customer. Understand what a “brand” is and why this matters for your business. Learn free and low budget ways to create a stunning logo. ​


Module 5

Set Up Your Website

I will talk you through how to set up your website using WordPress and an Elementor template. It’s actually quite simple when you know what you’re doing! I will share my favourite places to get gorgeous and easy to edit web templates

business woman

Module 6

Write copy that converts

Learn powerful web writing tips that will lead to more sales!  Master the 5 key questions your homepage must answer to engage your visitors.  I will guide you on how to write each page of your website.

SSS Spring Desktop 19 copy

Module 7

Your website is live!

In this module you will put the finishing touches on your website, including images, plug ins, and more. I even give you a handy checklist to run through before you hit “publish”. 

Tailwind for Instagram

Module 8

Time to get social

Master the world of Instagram for business including hashtags, how to write powerful captions, optimising your profile and more! Create a powerful content strategy to convert followers into paying clients. 


Module 9

Let's make some money!

Congratulations, your business is up and running! You will make a business development plan to let the world know you are open for business and start landing some dreamy clients.

"I would tell anyone thinking about joining that if they are looking to launch or even rejuvenate an existing business


nice to meet you

Meet your coach

Hi, my name is Natalia Garcia, but you can call me Nat! I am a writer, business owner, marketer and mum of 3 who loves all things entrepreneurship.

A few years ago I ditched the 9-5 in pursuit of freedom and flexibility. I started working as a freelancer, but wasn’t long until I turned that side gig into a thriving business.

Creating an income from a business I built was life-changing and one of the most rewarding experiences of my life.

That experience got me thinking about how I could help other women do the same, and Girl In Motion was born!

The mission? To help women transform their skills into a thriving business, so they can also enjoy the life-changing power of becoming their own boss.

I believe that starting a business doesn’t need to be stressful or overwhelming.

I have created a super tight business launch plan that makes it easy to set those wheels in motion and build your dream business.

All while having FUN in the process!

what happens when you buy

This Is How It Works

My online course gives you access to all the steps you need to guide you from a big idea to a thriving business. 

buy & Get immediate access to all content

Once you join you will get an email with details on how to log in to the course portal. This gives you instant access to my signature step-by-step online course to start your business.

Work through tutorials at your own pace

Make your way through the content from the comfort of your home (or the beach or a cafe!). Each step is explained in great detail, and comes with video tutorials, workbooks and templates to help you implement what you learn.

Bring your dream business to life

Once you make your way through the course, you will have built the foundations of a thriving online business. Watch the expert masterclasses to grow your business to the next level. 

— Rosey howarth, Founder Thrive with me

"You've been such a big motivator. I am so grateful for your support and your platform."

Start living your dream life

It’s time to be one of those people. You know, those people who are living their best life, following their passion, and building a business they love.

You know that you have it in you to make it happen. You just need a step-by-step action plan and guidance to bring your vision to life. 


Imagine the Possibility

 Image what your life could be in just a few months if you follow my step-by-step plan and finally get your dream business up and running….

Your life BEFORE Girl in Motion 😔

  • Your alarm clock is your worst enemy 
  • Your daily commute drives your nuts 
  • You work every day towards someone else’s dream 
  • You feel unfulfilled in your career 
  • You spend much of your time away from your family 
  • You have big goals but don’t know how to reach them

Your life AFTER Girl in Motion 🤩

  • Working to your own schedule 
  • Working from anywhere in the world
  • Going after your dreams 
  • Feeling fulfilled in your career 
  • Spending more time with your family and loved ones 
  • Living a life of financial and personal freedom


Join now to get some very cool bonuses!

Template library 😍

to make things super easy

Get immediate access to our growing library with 100s of templates for your business

Organise. Plan. Launch

Get organised

This mini-course is designed to help you get organised to kickstart your journey as a business owner. It includes tutorials on how to improve productivity, finding time to work on your business, how to define your business idea, and more! 

build momentum

Masterclasses to Grow Your Business

Get instant access to masterclasses on topics to help you build and grow your business. These are held either by me or industry-leading guest experts. This bonus is incredibly powerful! Topics include: 

Canva mini-course

look the part

New to Canva? No worries! Canva is a free design tool that is a must for small business owners. I will show you how to use it like a pro so you can make the most of your template library.
Learn how to create beautiful marketing material for your business.

Fill in the gap instagram captions

build your insta audience

These Instagram caption templates were specially designed to make it super easy to launch your social presence. Copy, paste, enter your details, and post! 
Simply change fill in the gaps with your businesses’s information and you are good to go. 

Are you a Girl in Motion?

A Girl in Motion is a woman who’s taking action, no matter how imperfect, towards her goals.

A woman who wants more out of her life- whether that’s financial abundance, more time with family or a more flexible lifestyle. A woman who’s unafraid to pull up her seat at the table.

A woman who’s unafraid to pull up her seat at the table.

Maybe you’re already a Girl in Motion, or maybe, you’re not quite there yet. That’s okay! That’s what we’re here for. To help you become a woman moving towards her goals- whatever they may be. We firmly believe that success cannot be measured on a single scale. Success is something you define for yourself. Success can be owning a 6 figure business. Success can be creating a stable side hustle so you can spend more time with your kids. 

You don’t need to chase someone else’s ‘success story’- it’s time to create your own. 

Buy the Business launchpad course

don't love it? I Will give you your money back

My 14-Day Happiness Guarantee

I am very passionate about this course and the content I have created, and I am confident that you will love it too! But if for any reason you join and you decide that it is not right for you, send an email within 14 days of signing up to nat[at] and I will refund the purchase price. 


Here's what others have to say

— Leigh Anne Lake


Everything I had looked at/tried before was not helping me make progress. GIM has provided very specific feedback and steps that I can take to build and grow my business. I’m excited to take this journey, and see the magic unfold.

The content is easy to follow, and broken down into SMALL, actionable steps that even the busiest person can find time to accomplish.

I have loved everything so far! The encouragement, as well as the redirection to make sure I am doing the right things, and putting my focus in the right places. 


— Christy Spivey

This curriculum has everything you can think of from finding your niche, filing information, logo making, color scheme, website making, social media, finding clients and so much more.
The step by step instructions were so easy that my 10 year old daughter could do them and succeed.

If you are a woman who wants to start a business and doesn’t know where to start then “Girl in Motion” is the course for you.

Also there is monthly meetings where you can ask questions from Natalia or bounce ideas off of other women in the group. It truly is amazing!

— Corinne Lennox

I’ve made so much progress since joining Girl in Motion.It’s great having someone who is as excited about my business as I am!

What made me the happiest was that there are videos to go along with the workbooks that explain everything in detail, which made completing each step of the workbooks so much easier. I was also happy with how comprehensive the materials available are, as it’s not just the super basic information you need to start a business but also how to deal with things like social media so that you can build a really solid foundation for your business.

While all the content is comprehensive, it’s broken down into bite size pieces, making it much easier to work through and fit into a busy schedule. Instead of having to find a few hours in a day to try and work through a video, I could easily fit it in in 5 or 10 minute chunks. Nat explains things in an easy to understand way, so you’re confident in what you’re implementing. The monthly masterclasses are great too.

It’s a fantastic investment if you’re just starting your journey as a business owner. It covers all the basics that other business coaching programs miss so it helps you build your business the right way from the very start. Plus you have ongoing support. You won’t regret it!

— Gaby Salinas

Girl in Motion has given me a lot of peace of mind. I’m not a very organised person, so this program has been perfect for me as I have the step by step program to know I’m doing enough, even if it’s little cause all starts adding beautifully into a more real business idea. It also has given me lots of clarity and helped me to create a more narrow and specific niche which I feel really passionate to work with.

This is perfect to stop worrying about how to start your business or to bring structure to something you already have running.

The program is broken into very chewable pieces to watch and enough exercises to do on your own, to really feel the progress without the burden of thinking what to do next or getting lost in the attempt.

Very accessible price, seriously the only difference with the super expensive packages is that the commitment need to come from you not by the knowing that you’ve expend a ton in the investment and you better have to get the most of it.”

— Liz Cowan Hawisher

It starts out very basic and doesn’t assume you already know something. That was helpful, since I’m coming from a nonprofit background, rather than business.

What would you say to anyone thinking about joining Girl in Motion?
I would say do it! It’s really helpful to even do the live group calls once a month and the master classes, because Nat is very good at making you feel better about wherever you feel like you’re lacking, and giving you the confidence and motivation to keep going.”

— Jill Chenery

Through the program I was able to break down the process into smaller chunks allowing me to focus and follow through with a process. 

What surprised me was that getting my business up and running isn’t unrealistic. The program gave me the knowledge I need to get my business model established which will set me up for success.  

I really like that the content is concise and the modules aren’t overly long. It made it less daunting for me being able to work on it in sections. 

— Danielle Howard

My biggest challenge was knowing where to start and the “how” to do the things to create my ideal business. I felt stuck and didn’t know how to progress. After joining the programme I am building the confidence needed to full build and run my business.

If you’ve scrolled this far, it means you’re either a) having doubts, b) are in full research mode.

And I get it! Investing in yourself can be scary. Is this the right step? Is this membership going to have a meaningful impact on your business journey? 

I don’t want you to take this plunge blindly. I want you to feel supported throughout your journey. It’s nerve-wracking, this whole ‘starting your own business’ thing. 

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I access the course content?
You will have access to the content via a user-friendly platform called Teachable. You’ll create log in details upon checkout and receive instant access to the entire content library. 

Do I need to quit my job to start my own business?
No! You can start your own biz while working full time. One of the beautiful things about working for yourself is that you can schedule the work around other commitments, such as work, family or study.

What if my business is already up and running?
If you have a business that is still new and you are feeling confused about marketing, social media, how to optimise your website and/or get clients, then Girl in Motion is for you! A lot of people start a business but forget to do crucial foundational work that make it super hard to get traction. Creating a strategy by applying what I teach within my roadmap to your existing business will make a world of difference! 

Do you offer a guarantee?
Starting a business can be life-changing. But you need to be prepared to show up and do the work! I cannot guarantee that your business will work or make you money. The results you will get from this programme will be determined by a number of factors, including the work that you do and your commitment to show up.

Get in touch

Don’t see your question in the FAQ’s?

I would love to connect with you and answer all your questions about joining Girl in Motion. Send me a DM on Instagram and I will get back to you right away!

DISCLAIMER: Case studies or testimonials are not indicative of typical results. You agree that you understand individual outcomes will vary. Each individual approaches our Products with different backgrounds, disposable income levels, motivation and other factors that are outside of our control. Therefore, we cannot guarantee your success merely upon access or purchase of our Products or related materials. Testimonials and statements showcased on this page include both paid customers as well as those from women that who had access to the programme free of charge, for example women who took part in the beta testing programme, promotion winners, and scholarship recipients.