Website Copywriting

Writing better content for your website doesn’t have to be too complicated. 

Here are some easy ways you can improve your website copy. Following the tips below will help you create engaging content that will resonate with your ideal customer and prompt them to take action. Read on! 

Create better copy

Why Writing Good Website Content Matters

Copywriting is a lot more than just words. It is the way you communicate your story, your message, and what your business is all about.

When people visit your website, you need to grab their attention. You only have a few seconds to show them who you are and convince them they should spend their precious time looking through your site. If they are not engaged they will leave and keep Googling for another solution. You don’t want that to happen! This is why writing effective website copy is so important. 

Follow the tips below to write better content for your website. 

1- Remember That Your Website is Not About You

Your website is not about you or your business. It is about your ideal customer and the problem that you can solve for them.

This may sound a bit crazy, but writing your content from this perspective will help you craft copy in a way that will resonate with your ideal customer. They need to feel understood when they read your copy. 

What’s in it for your ideal customer if they keep looking at your site? How will their life improve if they engage with your business? This is your chance to show them what you’ve got! 

2 – Refer Back to Your Ideal Customer’s Problem

It is key to pin down the problem that your business is solving for your ideal customer before you start writing your copy. Have a look at this blog post if you need some help figuring this out.

Your home page, about page, and services page should clearly refer to your ideal customer’s pain points, showing them that you understand them and that you can provide a solution to their problem.

Focus on benefits rather than features. What is in it for them if they engage your services?

3 – Use Conversational Tone

This means to write as if you were speaking face-to-face with your ideal customer. Imagine you are catching up with your customer at the local cafe. How would you communicate with them in that environment? Your website copy should speak in a way that would resonate with them.

4 – Avoid Saying “I”

Saying “we” or “I” too much on your website will create a disconnect with your audience. Yes, there would be occasion where it would be unavoidable, but keep it to the bare minimum.

When visitors go to your website they want to know what’s in it for them, so talk to them directly by saying “you” rather than “I”. Make the customer the hero of your website. 

Website copywriting Infographic

5 – Keep It Simple

Writing engaging content doesn’t mean that it needs to be long and complex. Your web content should be clear, concise, easy to read, and clearly communicate which problem you are solving for your customers.

Have you ever been to someone’s website and found it hard to understand what they do? You really want to avoid that!

Your site needs to clearly convey in seconds what your business is all about.

6 – Write Short Paragraphs and Sentences

Sentences should be short and readable. You want to engage users and capture their attention. Long sentences or paragraphs will make it harder for them to read what you’ve got to stay. 

When people land into your website they are likely to have a quick skim-read to decide if they have a more in-depth read. Short sentences and clear headings will help them to make this decision.

Bonus Tip: Proofread!

Get a family member or friend to check your content before going live to ensure that your message is clearly communicated and easy to understand. 

You can also try a checker such as Grammarly to check for grammatical and spelling errors.  

Conclusion: Tips to help you write better website content

So there you go, these are 6 easy ways you can write better content for your website. Hope that you put them in practice, and don’t forget to email me or leave a comment below if you have any questions. 

Want more tips and resources? Check these articles: 

Improve your website content
Website copywriting tips