Business blogging

You may have heard that you can grow your service-based business online with a blog, but not exactly sure why or how. You may be wondering: why does a blog matter? What purpose does it bring to a business like mine?

If you are trying to assess if blogging is the right strategy for you, you’ve come to the right place! In this post, I’ll share the benefits of blogging for small businesses. 

What is business blogging?

Business Blogging 101

Business blogging is an awesome marketing tool that helps a business gain exposure online. If optimised efficiently, a blog will help support your business growth for the long haul. As a service-based business, a blog can help scale your business and provide an outlet for your creativity. 

Blogging, in general, is short-form content that lives on your website. It is a practical marketing tool that enables you to provide high-value content to your ideal customers. Not to mention, it offers impressive online visibility results that allow your website to be discovered on the internet. 

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You might be curious about what the difference is between business blogging and traditional blogging. It essentially boils down to the sole intention behind the blog. Many pursue blogging for personal reasons, such as a hobby. 

On the other hand, businesses see blogging as an extension of their business. Similar to other social media platforms, a blog helps drive traffic directly to your website, ultimately leading to conversions that bring more business.

Business blogging also helps you showcase your expertise and build trust within your audience. 

Benefits of Blogging For Small Businesses

Now that we’ve covered blogging and how it works, let’s dive into why blogging is a smart move to help market your business. Here are just a few out of the many benefits blogging can bring to your business. 

It can help drive traffic directly to your website

When a visitor comes across your blog, they will have direct access to your website and the amazing services you have to offer. A blog helps reel in new eyes so that you can hook their attention and make that sale. 

But shouldn’t it be as simple as typing your business name in search browsers? Well, yes, but there’s more to it. New customers might not know who you are or what you have to offer right off the back, so this makes sense only for an existing audience. 

If you are looking to attract new customers organically, a blog will help do just that. The key is to ensure the blog is fully SEO optimized. Otherwise, it will stay hidden within the dark depths of the internet.

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Perfect way to repurpose content for social media posts

Sometimes, we hit a roadblock in the marketing journey and are unsure what content to share on social media. With a blog, social media content is done for you. All you have to do is consolidate the content to fit the desired social media platform.

For instance, maybe you are a copywriter who helps other businesses with copy that converts. You recently shared a blog post on the best practices for writing website copy. This content will come in handy for many people who own and operate a website, so why not spread the word as much as possible?

That is where social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest come in. The next step is to create a quick static or carousel post that highlights those best practices in a visually aesthetic way. Instead of spending the hours it takes to think of new content, a blog can be a source of inspiration. 

It creates lasting, long-term results

A successful blog sheds light on some common questions your ideal customers may have. By creating high-value content, a business can not only gain new followers but retain them as well. 

Additionally, a solid blog will help a business establish credibility and authority in its desired industry. Not to mention, blogging is an accessible and convenient way to introduce new offerings your business may have. The overall impact a blog can have on a service-based business is incredible. 

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Introducing Blogging for Beginners Workbook

I am super excited to share with you my 10-Step Blogging Roadmap system, because I know it would have been appreciated when I started blogging. With YOU in mind, I gathered all my tips, tricks, and the lessons I’ve learned while blogging all into one amazing resource.

Inside, you’ll find various sections that will help you identify your target audience, writing style, and what sets you apart from the competition. This planner is designed to help boss babes build a strong foundation for a blog, including defining a niche, competitor research, and goal-setting, to name a few.

As an added bonus, I’ve included several fun planning pages that will help you plan ahead daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly. Whether you are new to the concept of blogging or are looking for a refresher, the 10-Step-Blogging-Roadmap is for you.

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