Woman Entrepreneur

Are you a woman with an idea for a business but don’t know how to get it off the ground? You’re not alone! I know by personal experience that starting your own business can feel daunting and overwhelming. Building a successful business requires more than just ambition and enthusiasm. Thankfully there are certain steps you can take to give your business the best chance of succeeding.

In this article, I’ll share some tips and strategies I’ve used to build my own business and can also help you become a successful female entrepreneur. Read on!

Think about your personal definition of success

The first thing that you need to do is think about what success really means to you. Running a successful business will look different to each person. It could be that you want to start a side gig that will allow you to spend as much time with your kids as possible, you may want to travel the world, or your goal could be to build a purpose-led business that exists to make a positive impact.

There is no right or wrong answer here! It’s about thinking about what being a successful female entrepreneur looks like for you

Make a Plan

A strong business plan is the foundation of a thriving business. Not only does it outline the goals, strategies, and tactics your business will use to achieve success, but making a plan will also help you overcome procrastination. Breaking down the huge task of starting a business into small, manageable steps will help you start making meaningful progress, one small step at a time. 

Making a plan and getting organised is an essential step when it comes to becoming a successful female business owner, so make sure not to skip it!

Find a Mentor

Mentors can provide invaluable guidance and support to female entrepreneurs, especially if you are just getting started. A mentor is someone who’s “been there, done that” and can use their personal experience and learnings to help with decision-making, problem-solving, and networking. 

As a female entrepreneur, you can benefit from finding a mentor who can share their insights and advice. Their guidance and support can help you make more informed decisions that can grow your business faster than if doing it on your own. 

Develop a Network

Finding your tribe is essential as a female business owner. Having a support network can help you find new clients, collaborations and, more importantly, make the journey more fun! Finding a group of like-minded female entrepreneurs to share the ups and downs of running a business can make all the difference. Building a network takes time and effort but can pay off in the long run. 

So get out there and start making connections! Attend industry events (both in person and online), join professional organisations, and look out for Facebook groups where you could connect with other female entrepreneurs.

Take Risks

If you want to become a successful female entrepreneur you must be willing to take calculated risks and make bold decisions. Remember – growth happens outside of your comfort zone. Taking risks can lead to success, but it can also lead to failure. You need to learn to become comfortable with making mistakes to achieve your goals. Successful female entrepreneurs see failures as an opportunity to learn rather than setbacks. 

Be Resilient

Starting and growing a business takes hard work and determination, and there will be challenges along the way. Yes, being your own boss brings freedom, joy and fulfillment, but no business journey is ever fully upwards. You need to be willing to continuously work on your mindset and build your resilience. Learning how to bounce back from setbacks is what will keep you moving forward.

Continuously Learn and Grow

Successful female entrepreneurs are life-long students and are always looking for ways to improve their skills and knowledge. They read books, attend seminars, listen to podcasts and seek out new experiences. As a business owner, you should be open to learning and willing to try new things. 


Becoming a successful female entrepreneur requires hard work, determination, and a willingness to make bold decisions. It all starts with thinking about what success means for you and then making a plan to bring your vision to life. It can also help to find a mentor, develop a network, work on your mindset and develop an appetite for continuously learning. By following these tips, you can build a genuinely successful business that will bring you joy and fulfillment.

Are you ready to turn your skills into a thriving service-based business? Join Girl in Motion today and access a proven step-by-step roadmap to bring your dream business to life. With our expert guidance and support, you can make it happen.