How to repurpose blog content

Creating regular, quality content for your blog post is a mighty task. This is why you should be re-using your content. This allows you to save time, hassle and get the most bang for your hard work.

In this article I will talk to you about how to repurpose your blog posts to keep the flow of fresh content flowing and your audience engaged. Read on!

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Content repurposing

What Does it Mean to Repurpose Blog Content

Repurposing content means taking the content that you’ve created for a blog post and transforming it into content that is suitable for other platforms. 

For example, from one blog post, you can create several posts to share on Facebook. Or you could transform it into a script for a YouTube video. Or you can send it to your audience as a newsletter. You get the idea! 

RELATED: How to Write An Awesome Blog Post in 3 Steps

The Benefits of Content Repurposing

Content repurposing allows you to make the most out of the content that you create. All that time you spend researching and writing a blog post pays off as your content gets used multiple times. 

Other benefits include: 

Stay relevant: it is no secret that consistency is key when it comes to content marketing. Sharing your content multiple times gives you the opportunity to increase your visibility.

Get more eyeballs on your content: promoting your post on different platforms is an excellent way to drive people to your blog.

Save time: Instead of having to create social media content from scratch, you can use the quality copy that you’ve already produced to craft your posts. 

Reach new audiences: Those who follow you on Instagram may not read your newsletter and vice versa. By sharing your content on different platforms you get more chances of being seen.

Establish your authority: content marketing is all about building trust and establishing yourself as an expert in your field. By sharing regular content you reinforce your message. 


How to Repurpose Your Blog Posts for Social Media

There are many ways you can repurpose your blog post for social media. For example you can:

  • Create an in-depth carousel post covering the main takeaways of your post
  • Create posts by sharing only snippets of your blog content over several posts
  • Share quotes you may have included in your post
  • Share interesting stats that you may have included in your post
  • Create an infographic using your blog content
  • Share images that you may have created for your post

Content repurposing using Canva

I like to use Canva to repurpose my content. I have a set of brand-aligned templates ready to go, so all I need to do is choose the information from my blog post that I want to re-use, put it into one of the templates, and voila! I have eye-catchy social media posts to share with my audience.

Once you have the posts ready, you can space them out so they don’t all go out at the same time.

I normally create 2-3 social media images per blog post as soon as I publish them, and I schedule the posts in advance using Tailwind

RELATED: How to Use Canva to Fast-Track Content Creation

Content Repurposing Examples

Here’s an example of 5 social media posts you could create from one blog post about household waste:

Content repurposing example

As you can see, once you have the templates it is very easy to transform your blog content into eye-catchy social media posts.

Need Canva Templates? Check out my store to see design and browse through the many others! 

Save even more time using a scheduler

The final tip that I want to give you today is to use a scheduler to batch create posts in advance. There are a few options out there, but my scheduler of choice is Tailwind. I’ve been using it for over a year and it has made my life so much easier.

Using content repurposing and Tailwind I can schedule over a month of posts in just a few hours. You can learn about how I batch create my Instagram posts in advance in this article where I share my step-by-step Instagram posting system.

Try Tailwind for Instagram for Free

Get a free trial of Tailwind for Instagram.


From one blog post, you should be able to create several other pieces of content to re-use on other platforms. Content repurposing really is a no-brainer, as it allows you to save time, reach more people and reinforce your message with your audience. 


Reuse your content on social media