Convert leads into clients

As a service provider, you probably get a thrill of excitement as an enquire lands into your inbox. But are you making everything you can to convert those leads into paying customers?

In this article I will give your 21 tips to help you convert leads into clients. Read on!

Tips to boost your sales

Tip 1: Know Your Customers

How well do you know your customers? Your business cannot (and should not) provide solutions for everyone. It is always a good idea to start by identifying your ideal customer and tailor your services based on the kind of people that you can help best. 

Need some help defining your ideal customer? Check out this article where I talk you through a step-by-step process to identify your ideal customer and teach you how to create an ideal customer avatar.

Tip 2: Solve a Problem

Put yourself in your ideal customer’s shoes as you reply to the enquiry. Identify what is the pain point that is motivating them to get in touch with you: Are they trying to save time? Get healthy? Save money?

Offer them value and explain benefits rather than just features. Explain how their life is going to be better after engaging your services. Being as specific as you can will help you convert your leads.

Tip 3: Build Trust

Be genuine and honest. Don’t make promises you cannot fulfill. If you cannot help, let them know! Focus on building a relationship rather than closing a sale at all costs. You may not be able to convert your lead this time, but they may come back another time or refer you to someone they know. 

Tip 4:. Make it a Conversation

Don’t just deliver a sales monologue, encourage a two-way conversation instead. Dialogue will keep your lead engaged, and give you the opportunity to learn about them, their business and assess how you can help them. 

Tip 5: Understand the Competition

It is very likely that the person that is approaching you is also talking to others. These days, people do research and shop around before making a decision. Understand what makes your business unique and how you can help your ideal customer better than the competition. 

Tip 6: Show your Personality!

Don’t be shy and show potential clients who you are. There is no need to be too formal (unless your industry really requires it). It is ok to use exclamation marks and emojis (smartly!) to add a bit of flair to your written communications. People buy from people, so showcasing your personality will show your human side and help make a connection.

How to Convert leads into clients

Tip 7: Explain How You Work

Include detailed information on your services so your potential client has all the facts they need to make a decision. Explain how you work and what they can expect once they engage your services.

Having said that, don’t overwhelm your lead with information. Be concise! 

Tip 8: Include FAQs 

Many leads won’t convert because questions sit unanswered. People may be reluctant to get in touch once again to get more information or clarify something they don’t fully understand. You can avoid this issue by including a FAQ sheet with your response.

Tip 9: Share Previous Work

Convert your leads by showing them how amazing you are at what you do! Results speak louder than words. Include a portfolio of your previous work so potential clients can envision the results they can achieve working with you. 

Tip 10: Share Social Proof

Sharing testimonials and reviews is an effective way to prove that you can be trusted. Establish credibility by sharing what previous clients have to say about you. 

Tip 11: Explain Your Prices Clearly 

It is no secret that pricing is a big decision driver. Package your services in a way that is attractive for your ideal customer. Make sure that the value of your offer is clearly understood. Explain clearly what is included in each package and what isn’t to avoid misunderstandings. 

Tip 12: Impress with Sleek Design

Wow your potential client with amazing design! Like we’ve covered before, it is likely that the person that is talking to you is also enquiring at other places. It is no secret that people like to shop around before making a decision.

One way you can make your business stand out is to include a professionally designed pricing and services guide with your response. This document will contain all the information your client needs to make a decision presented in a sleek and professional way. 

Want to save time? Check out my pricing & services guide template which comes with all the sections you need to present your business in the best light to potential clients. It is easy to edit using Canva! 

Tip 13: Respond Quickly

Speed is a really important factor when it comes to converting an enquiry. Leaving it too late may give the impression that you are unorganised or (even worse!) uninterested. Set push notifications when an enquiry comes through so you can action them promptly.

Tip 14: Create Response Templates 

You don’t need to create a brand new email from scratch every time an enquiry comes through. Identify which are the most common enquiries that come your way and create templates for your responses. This will help you stay on top of your enquiries and improve your response time.

Tip 15: Make It Personal

Having said the above, try to include a personal note with every response. No one likes to feel like they are just receiving an auto response! Try to find someone special about the person enquiring and include it in your response.

For example, if they mention the name of their business, Google it and enter a couple of lines relating to it when you respond. Make your lead feel special and show them that you care. 

Tip 16: Respond in the Same Way as the Enquiry

If someone sends you an email, respond by email. If someone sends you a DM on Instagram respond that way. You can always ask for their email address or phone number if you want to take things further, but follow your potential client’s lead on their preferred method of communication.

Remember that not everyone likes talking over the phone. I personally much prefer getting a written response rather than a call back, and many other millennials feel the same way!

Tip 17: Run a spell check

Before you hit “send”, run a spellcheck over your response. Nothing screams “unprofessional” more than a typo! You can download Grammarly’s web browser extension to automatically check for grammatical and spelling errors – it is free!  

Tip 18: Provide Awesome Customer Service

Provide an awesome experience for any potential customers. This initial enquiry is a taster of what they can expect once they become paying clients. Leave them wanting more!

Tip 19: Include a Call-to-Action

What do you want your lead to do after receiving your response? Do you want them to book a discovery call? Do you need them to send more information? Do you want to meet face-to-face? Be clear about what your desired action is and let them know. 

Tip 20: Follow-Up

If you haven’t heard from your lead within a few days, follow up with a quick email or message. Set a reminder on your calendar after the initial lead comes through. This is a simple tip that can boost your conversion rates. Offer an opportunity to ask any other questions. Keep the lead warm and the conversation flowing. 

Tip 21: Track Your Results

Keep track of all your leads and the stage they are at. You can create a spreadsheet or write notes in your diary – use whatever method works for you but keep track of what is working and where you can improve. 

Get Your Free Checklist!

Enter your email below to get instant access to my “Convert Leads into Client” PDF checklist. You can print it out, keep it on your desk so you can easily run through all of these steps every time an enquiry lands in your inbox.

How to Convert leads into customers

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